April 07, 2017

2017 New Castle County Democratic Convention Details

Delaware Democratic Party


I. Scheduling Details

II. Notice & Voting

  • Written notice of the date, time and place for this meeting shall be provided to all newly elected committee members at least 15 days prior to the meeting date. County will send electronic notice to all committee members with current email addresses. If no email address is available, notice will be sent via U.S. mail. In addition, details will be posted on the deldems.org website.
  • One-third of the committee members shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business.
  • Only committee members elected may vote at the convention. Voting by proxy shall be allowed, provided that the proxy shall be signed and dated, and that the person bearing the proxy shall be a Democrat registered in the same Representative District as the person for whom they are substituting, and is not already a committee member. No person can carry more than one proxy. The New Castle County Proxy form can be found under Party Documents.
  • The rules do not provide for a nominating committee. Motions are taken from the floor.

III. Agenda

  • The committee members shall elect, at the convention the officers of the New Castle County Committee: Chairperson; two Vice-Chairs, one of each gender; Secretary, and Treasurer.
  • Other Business: Possible amendment to county rules.

IV. Officer Qualifications

  • A New Castle County Committee Officer at the time of election office shall have been a resident of New Castle County outside the City of Wilmington for at least two years and a registered Democrat for at least five years. An officer need not be an elected committee member representing an Election District.
  • No Chair of a Representative District Committee may serve as an Officer of the New Castle County Committee. (If an R.D. Chair were elected as an Officer, he/she would need to resign as R.D. chair.)

V. Officer Duties

  • Subdivision Chair
    • The Chair shall preside at all meetings of the County Committee and of the County Executive Committee and shall establish the time, date, and place for all meetings thereof, in accordance with these rules. The County Chair shall further appoint the members of all standing and ad hoc committees, except as specified in these rules, and shall be an ex officio member of all committees, and shall exercise general supervision of their work and that of the other officers to assure the successful attainment of the goals of the Democratic Party.
  • Vice-Chairs
    • The Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in his or her temporary absence, and the Vice-Chair of the opposite gender from the Chair shall preside at any meeting during such time that the Chair wishes to participate in debate or make a motion. In the event that a vacancy of the office of Chair should occur, the Vice-Chair of the opposite gender shall serve as Chair until a new Chair is elected according to these rules. The Vice-Chair may also have such other duties as may be assigned by the Chair.
  • Secretary
    • The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all Organizational, Regular, Special and Executive Committee meetings, and provide copies of such records to the Members of the County Executive Committee. The Secretary shall be the custodian of all County Committee records, papers and reports, except those maintained by the Treasurer, subject to call by the Chair or the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall maintain a complete list of all County Committee Members, listed by Representative District, and shall ensure that such a list is submitted by the District Secretaries and is kept current. 
    • The Secretary shall answer all communications at the direction of the Chair or Executive Committee, keep the official record of all County Committee Rules and Meetings, and provide all County Committee Officers and Members with copies of the County Rules. The Secretary, upon receipt of information from the Chair, shall provide timely and accurate notice to Members and Officers of the place, date and hour of all County Committee Conventions and Meetings, and shall provide notice to members of the Executive Committee of the place, date and hour of the Executive Committee Meetings. 
    • The Secretary shall also forward to the State Democratic Committee a copy of the list of County Committee Members when requested.
  • Treasurer
    • The Treasurer shall receive all monies collected by the County Committee, pay all bills at the direction of the Chair and/or the Executive Committee, and keep a full and accurate account of all monies received and expended. The Treasurer shall have custody of all financial documents of the County Committee and shall render a complete report at all County Committee and Executive Committee meetings.
    • The Treasurer shall initially deposit monies collected into local financial institutions, but may, with the approval of the Executive Committee, invest monies in suitable financial instruments. All disbursements must be approved or ratified by a majority vote of the Executive Committee, which may, at its discretion, place such other conditions on the activities of the Treasurer as it finds appropriate.
    • The Treasurer shall be an ex officio member of the Finance Committee. On checks drawn in an amount over $600, two signatures – those of the Treasurer and the Chair – shall be required.