If you are interested in getting involved in a Democratic Committee, contact your Representative District or County Chair!
The Delaware Democratic Party is organized locally into four subdivisions, each organized by Representative District (RD) or City Council District (Wards):
The City of Wilmington is divided into Eight City Council Chairs and an Executive Committee consisting of a Chair, four Vice Chairs, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.
New Castle County is divided into Representative District Chairs and an Executive Committee consisting of a Chair, two Vice Chairs, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and a Parliamentarian.
Kent County is divided into Representative District Chairs and an Executive Committee consisting of a Chair, two Vice Chairs, a Treasurer, and a Secretary.
Sussex County is divided into Representative District Chairs and an Executive Committee consisting of a Chair, two Vice Chairs, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, and a Treasurer.
To find out which District you are in please visit:
https://ivote.de.gov or https://delaware.gov/topics/houseMap.shtml